Thursday, September 23, 2021

Return to Oz (1984)

Our second alternative version, 1984's Return to Oz, has the distinction of being both the darkest version of Oz to date, and also the most faithful to the original Oz books. Numerous characters from the first two that followed the original -- The Land of Oz and Ozma of Oz -- appear here for the first time. And, thanks to the combined magic of muppet man Jim Henson and "California Raisins" claymator Will Vinton, they come to life vividly on the screen:

• Billina, Dorothy's hen, who begins to speak as soon as she arrives in Oz

• Tik-Tok,  a mechanical wind-up man who serves as the "Army of Oz"

• The Wheelers -- men who have wheels in the place of hands and feet

• Jack Pumpkinhead, brought to life by a magic powder -- he's always worried that his head will spoil!

• The Nome King -- arch-enemy of Oz in the early books, with an Army of Nomes at his side, brilliantly played by Nicol Williamson.

• Mombi -- the wickedest witch of them all, here conflated with Princess Langwidere of Ev

Oz here is a dark and gloomy place, its inhabitants turned to stone by the combined forces of the Nome King and Mombi; Dorothy must rescue not only her companions but the entire population of Oz. The backstory is darker still; worried about Dorothy's constant tales of a place they don't think exists, Uncle Henry and Aunt Em send her to a doctor in a neighboring town, whose main treatment seems to be an early version of electro-shock therapy! The links between this world and Oz, though, are maintained an even expanded; the electro-shock machine becomes Tik-Tok; the wheeled gurney on which Dorothy is strapped while on her way for treatment becomes the Wheelers, and the Doctor himself becomes the Nome King!

It's hardly your typical Disney film, but it has an interesting origin story: back in the 1950's, Walt Disney had bought up the rights to all of the Oz sequels, but these were starting expire in the 1980's. Walter Murch, who was coming straight from his role as sound designer for Coppola's Apocalypse Now, was available, and the team of Henson and Vinton seemed ready to re-create their characters on a modest budget. Disney execs weren't happy with the early footage they saw, and wanted to fire Murch -- until George Lucas stepped in, saying he'd never work for Disney again if they did that. In gratitude, Murch gave the original Tik-Tok to Lucas, where he now resides as the centerpiece of Lucas's garden in San Rafael.

UPDATE: Here's a link to a documentary about the film -- it's not clear when it will be out, but the trailer is worth watching!


  1. BreAna Durand
    While watching “Return to Oz” for the first time, I felt like a little kid again. It brought me back to when I was younger and watched “The Wizard of Oz” on repeat. I really enjoyed this movie. The acting was preformed really well. I always find that these types of movies do an incredible job at making the watcher not like villains from the beginning of the movie. Right away I was introduced to the wheelers, and I knew that I was not going to like them, along with who they served. My favorite theme in this movie, along with other Oz films, is friendship. I loved how Dorothy was able to make friends and continue to fight for them throughout the film. Personally, my favorite character was Jack Pumpkinhead. I enjoyed him because of his constant worry and his need for a companion. I thought it was cute when he asked Dorothy if he could call her his mom. I am not surprised I liked his character the most because he reminds me of the scarecrow who was my favorite in “The Wizard of Oz”.

    1. BreAna, a great first comment! I agree that Jack is much like the Scarecrow, an always-smiling figure who nonetheless embodies a degree of anxiety. Happily, in later books, Jack cultivates his own pumpkin patch, growing new heads in time to replace his current one before it gets rotten!

    2. I agree Breana about Dorothy's ability to make friends an very important insight into children and a lesson for adults. I think cinema like Return to Oz and similar themed films like The Never Ending Story and Stand by Me or the Goonies are popular precisely because they remind us adults about what we lose sight of in our rush to be adult, and forget the lessons of childhood and the fact that many things from childhood hold value and weight throughout ones life!

  2. Isaiah Gamboa
    until; this class I had no clue that there was more to the wizard of Oz other than the film that came out in 2013 oz the great and powerful. I really enjoyed the dark elements to the story it really gives off the ideal that not all adults are kind to children. The cast was great what really draws me into the a movie is the characters and their deigns. for the oz series interesting character and unique design. for me tick tock and Jack pumpkinshead were the characters I liked the most. they kept me the most engage the most and in some ways I related to Jack Pumpkinhead

  3. I found Return To Oz as creepy as the Wizard Of Oz (if not more!). Between the Wheelers, Pumpkin Head, the different heads for the witch, the deadly desert and the electroshock therapy, I cannot imagine finding this entertaining as a child. Most of you are probably too young to remember either movie, but there are aspects of this that reminded me of a mix between Babes Of Toyland and Never-ending Story. This movie could have probably been marketed as its own genre and not at all associated with the Wizard of Oz. There were some similarities (character names, tornado, magical land etc), but I think that is where the comparisons end. I could appreciate the book and understand the popularity of the original concepts, but there is nothing about this movie that would make me want to watch it again. Much like other series, sequels and remakes tend to get more ridiculous as more of them are made.

    1. I agree with the idea of remakes though I do think Return to OZ is not a remake in the same vein as Psycho or others were they literally remake a film often poorly as there is no original vision. American filmmakers have a bad habit of remaking excellent French films almost scene for scene. Point of No Return is a good example of a hack job on one of my favorite films, La Femme Nikita!

  4. I found Return to Oz much more interesting then even the original film. But I am a child of the 80's and 90's when filmmakers were really digging into the darker side of childhood and the reality of the complexity of children's interactions with adults and each other. It reminds me of films such as City of Lost Children or even for a more recent film, Pan's Labyrinth. I would argue that return to Oz is a film born of the realization that children are not adults and are in fact just as if not more complex in their thinking and their internal world then adults. Other films/stories such as Stand by Me and the excellent Stephen King short story The Body really delve into this idea. I will say that I also miss the 80's production values I think the polished nature of many newer films lose something in the mix. Especially when ever major character is so bloody perfect. I much prefer the more realistic variety of body types and personalities. Which is why I prefer foreign cinema especially French film.

    1. Great comment -- and I agree about the films of the '80's and '90's -- it was a sort of golden age for the darker side of childhood. I agree about the movies you mention (especially City of Lost Children with its murky green water and copper pipes) -- and also films such as Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, and Willow. Few recent films, except maybe Del Toro's, have captured that feeling in recent years. Children indeed are (I think) more complex in their feelings, because they haven't been through the process of having their curiosity tamped down, and haven't lost the sense of wonder. Adults can hold on to this, too -- and those who do have made films like these.

      (p.s. don't forget to include your name in your postings)

  5. Personally again, I enjoyed the return to oz much more than the original movie. I found the movie very interesting and I loved how creative it was. The creative work that was put into this movie is way more outside the box and imaginative. I was so shocked when I heard so many bad comments and reviews about the movie but not everyone has the same opinions. I do have to say that the mombie and I believe the wheelers creeped me out a tiny bit but I still continued to watch it. I really liked the pacing of the movie, the acting, the dark undertones, and the cast. I believe that Tick Tock and Pumpkinhead were very unique pick for this movie. I loved the lady that played Dororty but I have to say she's no Judy Garland. I'd say if you are watching the movie for the first time, try and watch it with an open mind and not expect it to be like the original Wizards of Oz.

  6. Mckenzie Desimas

    The 1985 film “Return to Oz” was definitely an interesting sequel about Dorothy returning to the magical world that led her to Oz. For starters, why has Dorothy’s sidekick had such a dramatic change? I have never heard of this movie and also did not know that it was a disney one at that. Going from a cute little dog this movie opens up with Dorothy’s right hand man being a chicken that talks. I genuinely wonder why that change was made. That was my big first opening question. Then Dorothy discovered the yellow brick road that led to so much magic now in shambles leading to only more awful things. I genuinely think that this movie wasn’t a good fit for children to watch because a lot of it was actually scary. One thing I forgot to mention that happened in the beginning was the shock therapy being done to such a young child which makes the movie questionable off the bat. Also It didn’t even really feel like she was returning to Oz, it almost felt like she was returning to somewhere brand new that was a lot sadder than the beautiful and magical Oz.

  7. Kevin Alvarez

    While watching the "Return to Oz," I found it funny on how creepy and intense the characters looked, but I can definitely see why it could have some bad and unpopular reviews for the younger population. I could imagine that some kids must've been frightened from the scene when Dorothy was about to get the "electric healing treatment," and also when the mysterious girl who saved her, all of a sudden disappeared in the river. When Dorothy eventually made it back to Oz, I was bummed to see that the cowardly lion, and Tin woodman was turned to stone. Still though, Dorothy was able to make new friends in her return to OZ, one of them resembling her old friend, the scarecrow.

  8. Dylan Gagnon

    Im going to write my response while watching the movie. So to start off I'm surprised that this took a dark twist, the kid can't sleep so lets take them to basically an asylum? (Side note, when it shows the house being built, who builds half a house like that?). Tik tok is the coolest character now, forget everyone else. I like his personality too, he's machine but has the soul of a human. He seems incredibly selfless and I enjoy how he defends Dorothy, also I looked up how they made him walk, apparently there is a gymnast that was crammed into the suit, and it came out really well. In addition to characters, Jack pumpkinhead is a strong number 2 character, especially for asking 'Can I call you mom" whilst sneaking around, 10/10. His character seems shy but noble and I thought he was brave for going second into the cave after he had seen what happened to the moose. Also back to the dark theme, the queen and her different heads is very shocking to me since there was nothing this dark in the original oz. So far this one is superior to me. Ok so I have finished watching the movie and all I can say is how I enjoyed this one, and it's characters much more. They all felt like they had stronger aspects and emotions than the original to me, especially the evil characters. In comparison to the original Oz, I thoroughly enjoyed the stronger character roles, and much more intense story line as well.


  9. After watching and reading about "Return to Oz" the first characteristic I took from it was that it is a lot darker and grim than the past two we have studied. "The Wizard of Oz" is child-like and light-hearted, along with "The Wiz" having a comedic style of storytelling however, "Return to Oz" highlights eerie aspects to the story. Not only were some of the characteristics taken from the original and just twisted a little, but the writers also added scary characters. In this version, young Dorothy is sent away to a "special doctor" and is "treated" for speaking about the Land of Oz to Uncle Henry ad Aunt Em. The treatment that is used is electroshock therapy. The electric chair turning into a character in Oz, "Tik-Tok," is one of the creepy aspects that are different from the original light-hearted aspect of the Land of Oz. One of the similarities is that there is a wicked witch and a good witch in the land. I find that this version is directed towards the viewers that enjoy more of a grim story than a happy one.

  10. Silvia Banuchi
    I first watched this movie when I was a kid and it was an absolute nightmare fuel. The setting was unsettling and creepy, its oz but torn down and everyone is turned to stone. Its silent until you hear the sounds of the horrid "wheeler’s", which terrified me to death as a kid. Not to mention that there is a literal headless woman that has a room of decapitated heads that she uses. Rewatching it now I actually enjoyed the movie. The characters are all charming and the costumes and sets are wonderfully executed. It is a true fairytale and exposes you to the dark, dangerous and emotional journey of Dorothy.

  11. Karina Nunez

    This will be my first time watching this film and i agree that its much darker compare to the other films. The story line has its unlike difference from the two earlier movies. I enjoy how witty these movies are and how they all bring a uniqueness to the story rather than remaking the film all the same just different characters. From the very beginning of the movie when Dorothy is sent to an institution because no one believed her dreams of Oz and she's tied down to this stretcher i was a little worried of how calm she was but also admired her braveness all the same. Another observation i made is how rather than having Toto the dog as they did in both earlier films they had a talking chicken as her companion. I found that to be quite interesting. I must admit with halloween around the corner makes me appreciate Jacks costume. I almost wish i was able to recreate Jack and place him in my front lawn. A part of the movie which made me laugh but i honestly would've been scared to watch as a child is when you have this huge talking rock about to swallow Jack and Billina the chicken lays an egg and this giant rock swallows it and claims its poison and they all disappear. its a pretty creepy film for children to watch therefore im glad i watched it as an adult.

  12. I just finished watching Return to Oz, and I'm surprised I've never seen this film or even heard much of it. I grew up in the late 80's and early 90's and feel I would have loved this as a child. Of course, I enjoyed as an adult too. Not at all what I expected in a film with Oz in the title. The effects in the film really surprised me in how well they hold up. It's easy to forget these days just how much people were able to accomplish before CGI with physical props and Claymation or miniatures. I enjoyed the parallels with the original film/book, such as finding and teaming up with a Tinman, scarecrow-ish character, and a (barely) animal companion, as well as the journey they go on.

    I found the dark tone of the film refreshing and different. It did remind me of Labyrinth and other films of the time, but as someone the Professor replied, you really only see that tone done in Del Toro's films today. The movie also made me interested in reading the rest of the Oz books to compare with the film, as I have never read them. Maybe after this semester I'll give them a go!

  13. - Lindsay Nadeau
    Another very interesting film I have never seen or heard of before this class! Return to Oz does have an interesting twist to the Wizard of Oz but in a very different perspective than The Wiz or the classic Wizard of Oz. I thought it was a pleasant twist that Dorothy's role instead of finding the tin-man, the cowardly lion and the scarecrow what they are seeking is to actually save the entire population of Oz. It also differed in the fact that the Wizard of Oz started with a tornado that placed Dorothy in Oz, but in Return to Oz her Aunt and Uncle think that she is being crazy in a sense and bring her to a doctor. The characters were also quite different compared to the classic characters that everyone thinks of when someone asks about the Wizard of Oz. I actually enjoyed that this film had a twist to it that almost made it seem more realistic. I am still surprised there are actually this many versions of the Wizard of Oz that I have never heard of before!

  14. As one progresses through this film the amount of thought and detail put into each scene becomes increasingly evident. It’s honestly amazing how even just the music alone is able to set the tone in a scene, just as it did when Dorothy was dropped off at the doctor. The intense and dramatic music in this scene creates the feeling that Dorothy shouldn’t be left with the doctor who is further painted out to be an antagonist. Combine that with the transition from a nice house (which is all Aunt Em saw) to a dark lighted, suspicious looking psych ward and Miss Wilson’s black dress and flat affect, this feeling of suspicion and potential danger increases. I also find it interesting and somewhat ironic how the music, thunder and lightning intensified as the doctor drew closer to performing what was essentially inhumane and unethical medical practice. Fast forward a few minutes and the person who releases Dorothy is wearing a white dress, essentially highlighting her as Dorothy's God sent angel. Now throughout the rest of the film there are of course other details that come into play but I thought seeing Miss Gulch (dressed in black) end up being captured and taken away while the young girl who rescued Dorothy ended up being the Queen of Oz (dressed in white), was certainly the nice happy ending many like to see.

  15. -Paige Francis
    Surprisingly, I have never seen or heard of this film until reading about it in class. Being a Walt Disney fan I am not sure how I have never seen this film. I am also shocked that Walt Disney produced such a dark film. If I were introduced to this film as a child, I would be horrified. I thought the original film was scary, and I did not think the plot could get any darker… but boy was I wrong. Watching Dorthy get dropped off at a doctor and taken to an asylum was not the route I saw her going down after returning from Oz. Even though it is an older film, the filmmakers did an amazing job at making this film feel weary which keeps the audience engaged and at the edge of their seats the whole film.


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